On Thursday, Jan. 30, Lawrence University Community Council (LUCC) held an open forum in order to welcome LUCC President–Elect sophomore Brooklyn Schara and LUCC Vice...
Blink and you’ll miss it. Or get hit in the head. Either way, the ball moves fast, but so do the players, so do the...
If I had to describe the Lawrence University Rowing Club (LURC) in one word, I would be torn; I could choose one about their persistent...
Arts & Entertainment
Last week, film student and junior Isabel “Izzy” Pick shared her feature film “Everything but Eli” with the Lawrence community. This is Pick’s first feature...
Opinions & Editorials
“Peace Corps types only stay long enough to realize they’re not helping anyone. Government wants to stay in power until they’ve stolen enough to go into exile somewhere else. And the rebels, they’re not sure they want to take over; otherwise, they’d have to govern this mess,”...
What state should we get rid of? Photos by Isaac Keith, Adam Fleischer and Alex Stanger....