Advertising Policy

Updated 14 Mar. 2024

The Lawrentian will accept both on- and off-campus single-use advertising requests from companies and student organizations. All advertising is subject to approval by The Lawrentian. The Lawrentian reserves the right to deny any advertisement that does not adhere to both this policy and The Lawrentian Editorial Policy.

  1. Advertising of events for which the primary purpose is the consumption of alcohol is prohibited.
  2. Advertising of events that serve alcohol must be handled in a responsible manner without promotion of drink specials or excessive drinking.
  3. Advertising must not degrade groups or individuals.
  4. Advertising must not promote illegal activities or activities prohibited by the Lawrence Handbook.

Off-campus advertisements must be approved by the Editor-in-Chief, Advisor, and either Legal Counsel or Vice President for Student Life by Tuesday at midnight of that week’s paper. The Lawrentian also may deny or delay publication of an advertisement to a subsequent issue if unable to accommodate within the current issue. The Lawrentian will receive advertisement requests for both on-and-off-campus advertising through The Lawrentian student email ( with the following information: 

  • Black & white (BW) or color
    • (color ads are only available to be printed on the front and back pages)
  • Date(s) of publication
  • A high resolution pdf or jpeg file of the advertisement

The Lawrentian will not charge student organizations for advertising in print at any time. Other Lawrence entities and off-campus advertisers will be charged as follows: 

Placements and Rates*

Front, color$90
Back, color$75

*Front and back sizing as shown below. BW sizing dependent upon available space. 

Example ad placements:

Online Advertising

The Lawrentian offers opportunities for businesses and organizations to advertise through The Lawrentian website. Advertisements will be placed for an initial fee for a three month period, and can be renewed for another three months at a reduced cost. If an advertisement is not renewed before the three month period has ended, it will be removed by the Web Manager after the three month contract. As with paper advertising, online advertising inquiries should be sent to

All online advertisements, regardless of association with a student organization, will be charged as follows:

LocationInitial FeeRenewal Fee
Home Page$500$300
Section Page$250$100


Once ad placement selection is confirmed, you will receive an emailed invoice from The Lawrentian via the Lawrence University Office of Student Activities or an associated on-campus office. All payments must be made before noon on the Thursday of the current edition. The Managing Editor is responsible for tracking payments. Money from paid advertisements are considered part of The Lawrentian‘s non-philanthropic fundraising, as detailed in the student handbook (see Organization Finances, 5.00 Allocation guidelines, .10 Fundraising). The Lawrentian keeps the revenue from advertisements, and this money is not restricted by LUCC allocation guidelines (see Organization Finances, 5.00 Allocation guidelines, .10 Fundraising).

The Lawrentian Publication Schedule 2024-25

Please note that while we publish on Fridays, advertisements must be submitted no later than the Tuesday of the week they would be published.

The Lawrentian publishes on the Fridays of weeks 2-9 of each academic term. Please defer to our Lawrence University academic calendar and confirm with if the information below no longer reflects the current school year.

Fall term 2024
-Sept 27
-Oct 4
-Oct 11
-Oct 18
-Oct 25
-Nov 1
-Nov 8
-Nov 15
Winter term 2025
-Jan 17
-Jan 24
-Jan 31
-Feb 7
-Feb 14
-Feb 21
-Feb 28
-March 7
Spring term 2025
-April 11
-April 18
-April 25
-May 2
-May 9
-May 16
-May 23
-May 30


The Lawrentian also accepts tax-deductible donations via the following link:

Please specify The Lawrentian in the “designation” field!

Lawrence University · GiveCampus