1. How does it feel to know that the Vikes are D-III National Champions?
I am really thrilled and you know we worked so hard and always hoped that it would happen but never really thought it would. It still hasn’t really hit me, very surreal feeling. I mean only one, or in this case two teams, can say, “We have the best team in the country.”2. How has your perception of the coaching staff changed since seeing them get kicked out of the rink, in the Championship game?
My perception really hasn’t changed that much; you could see that they were just trying to motivate us. We weren’t playing very well and they thought by fighting they would get us going, even if it was fighting over pizza toppings. Just shows how dedicated they are to the unity of the team, and I am glad that we could pull through and win in spite of them.
3. What do you attribute the win to?
Superiority. We were just better: better players, better coaches, better jerseys and better fans. You know if you work hard the bounces go your way and we ended up with a lot of lucky bounces to put us in a situation to win the game, so we must have been working hard. The fact that we have no qualms about cheating really helped us out. God also had a hand in it.
4. What are you going to do now?
Well I am going to try and make it in the NHL, people have always told me that it isn’t possible for a woman to play for the Montreal Canadiens, but I believe. I will be going to their invite camp in August. I wasn’t invited but I can get around it, and I am going to see where it goes from there. So what if the average NHLer is 6’1″ and jacked, I will just duck.
5. If you could have dinner with anyone, who would it be and why?
Maggie Helms… because she is dreamy.