To the Editor,
I read your recent editorial encouraging Lawrence students to get involved in local government with great interest. Your reasoning that students can make a huge impact if they choose to get active is exactly right. What is more, the City of Appleton will only become a better home for Lawrence students if they take the time to get involved.
I am a Lawrence alumnus from the Class of 2002, and I have lived here as a professional since 2007. In that time, I have gotten heavily involved in local government and charitable efforts. Taking this sort of action has accelerated my social connections and made Appleton feel like home. I have also been able to make things happen here that I want to see, like more creative placemaking in downtown and investments in tourist attractions like the History Museum and Mile of Music.
The 1,500 students at Lawrence can do the same thing. If you want to make Appleton a more welcoming and inclusive place, get involved with Celebrate Diversity Fox Cities. If you want Appleton to be more attractive to young entrepreneurs, get involved with the chamber of commerce or the Venture Center at Fox Valley Technical College. If you think more arts and music will benefit the community, volunteer with any of the wonderful arts organizations that call Appleton home. Your involvement will make a difference!
The most important way to get involved is to vote. I have been on the City Plan Commission for five years, and in 2016, I am running for mayor to refresh Appleton. This city is doing well, but we have the potential to be so much better. Good enough is not good enough anymore!
If you agree, make sure you get to the polls on Tuesday, April 5—not April 12 as was stated in the editorial. Before you do, check out the candidates and see who matches your views. I hope you will find that my priorities of openness in government, community-driven planning for growth, creative partnerships based on shared goals and inclusive prosperity align with what you would like to see for Appleton.
— Josh Dukelow ‘02