After junior Hitkarsh Chanana stepped down from his position of Lawrence University Community Council’s (LUCC) Public Relations Chair, LUCC President Max Loebl and Vice President Jo-Hannah Rifai decided to reopen this position to the Lawrence community.
“Tradition calls on myself and the vice president to fill the position as expeditiously as possible,” commented Loebl. They typically appoint a successor from those who had previously applied for the position; however, an agreement was made to do it differently this time. “We immediately looked at the list of applicants,” said Loebl. “We didn’t really have an agreement. There really wasn’t an ideal candidate, so we decided it would be best for LUCC to open it [the position] up to applications.”
Loebl expects the new Public Relations Chair to maintain a constant connection between LUCC and the students of Lawrence, “making sure that the campus stays up to date on the business of LUCC.” Loebl would also like the Public Relations Chair to oversee “any kind of publicity materials for elections and forums” hosted by the LUCC.
Applications for the position were due by Saturday, Sept. 17, and the decision was made on Sept. 19. The General Council unanimously confirmed the appointment of Savvas Sfairopoulous as Public Relations Chair.