Rivalries are a fundamental part of sports, particularly in college athletics. Bitter rivalries serve to whip up passion in players, spectators, and coaches alike. Nothing feels better than a decisive victory over a traditional foe, and nothing stings more than defeat at the hands of an old enemy. Today, Lawrence’s rivalries have grown somewhat cold. No one opponent seems more hated than any other. In a time when apathy towards athletics is at a peak, Lawrence could learn from its relationship with Coe College in 1926.
Published 10/15/1926
Author Unknown
Lawrence Out To Secure Revenge and Win Their First Midwest Conference Game
Catlin ’s Blue warriors will enter the race for the Midwest crown tomorrow when they tackle the strong Coe college Kohawks at Cedar Rapids, Iowa. The men left this morning for the Iowa field where the game will be played.
Students who witnessed the game last year when the Coes spoiled the dedication of Whiting field will remember a certain emulator of Harold Lloyd by the name of Harris Lamb. Lamb was the man who raced the length of the field with the ball under his arms to score the only touchdown of the game and to spell Lawrence’s defeat. The Bluemen have not forgotten that particular instance and Mr. Lamb will have trouble in duplicating his feat this time.
Indications point to a game that will make history in the Midwest conference. Coe has started on her march to the championship with a victory over Monmouth college last week by a 7-3 score. Coe slipped the winning touchdown across the goal in the last seconds of the game. Monmouth had the game earned through hard fighting, but the break was against them. Lawrence has only three Midwest games to play this year, and must win every one to claim the title. Coe has her old men back and so has Lawrence, and Saturday will see several old rivals facing each other in the lineups.
Coach Catlin has again given the varsity some new formations that have fooled the frosh in scrimmage consistently and often. Monday saw no let up in the work for the week. Scrimmage was issued to practically every man on the squads. Tuesday found Coach Sylvester bruising the linemen with blocking and hole making practice. Wednesday and Thursday were spent in similar work and the perfection of new’ plays.
Bloomer is still optimistic over his broken rib and refuses to acknowledge the fact to the coaches. His work in the Oshkosh game proved him to be a valuable man to the Catlin machine. Hipke has been shifted to his old place at center and is liking it. Bayer is holding down one end in company with Jessup while Harry Hilton and Arne Hillman, both sophomores, are at the other end. Weinkauf has also been sent to his former position at guard, with Steensland at the other. Cap’t Counsell and Ott are fixtures at tackle.
Two back fields wait the call of the coach in the Coe game while several reserve linemen are in readiness to fill the gaps in the varsity if needed. Hunter looks like the best reserve fullback while Schlagenhauf, Heideman and Dreher will be the reserve halves.