To The Editor,
Amid the noise of the Presidential election, it is easy to forget state and local candidates who also are in need of your support. Since 2014, State Representative Amanda Stuck has ably represented this part of Appleton in Madison, and regularly ensures that students’ voices are heard in the state legislature. Representative Stuck has fought for us on numerous important issues that include reproductive rights, fairness in public education, and continued open access to water resources. Many people at Lawrence have also had personal interactions with Representative Stuck, who is extremely supportive of several student organizations on campus. Just in this past year Representative Stuck helped lead a presentation during LUSH’s Sexual Health Week, co-sponsored the first College Democrats debate watch party during the primaries, and regularly met with individual students to initiate internship opportunities. Even though she is running unopposed this November, Representative Stuck will also be leading a group of students to the polls when early voting starts. This is clearly a representative who wants to get to know her constituents and who cares deeply about this area, despite the fact that many students might not know who she is.
Your vote is important this fall, so make sure to head to the polls, but also make sure that you aren’t the student who waits another four years before becoming politically involved again. Take this chance to learn about your local representatives, become active in issue areas that you care about, maintain dialogues with people you disagree with, and volunteer at every chance you can get. The promises and gains of a presidential year mean nothing unless we continue to work towards the changes that we want to see after the votes have been counted. It is easy to claim disaffection from the entire process and collectively throw up our hands until the next political revolution is in sight, but it is much harder to become involved where truly effective change can be made.
—John O’Neill ‘17
To The Editor,
This election cycle, not only do we have an important Presidential race to focus on, but we also have one of the closest House races in the country. For this seat, I support Tom Nelson and urge you to consider him as well. Tom Nelson has served in the State Assembly and, for the past five years, has been our Outagamie County Executive. He has done a stellar job in this office, delivering a balanced budget and working with both parties his entire time in office. He plans on bringing this attitude of bipartisanship with him to Washington, which is certainly something we need in this polarized day and age. On top of this, Tom would be a progressive force in Washington and electing him is important on the path to turn the House blue. It is critical that we elect Tom Nelson to the House of Representatives, and I urge you all to support him on Nov. 8.
—Gillian Hines ‘19