General Council met Monday
March 1 at 4:30 in the Hurvis
Room. The council passed legislation
to form a new Dining Advisory Committee, a subcommittee of
Student Welfare. Honoraria were reviewed and approved. Transition
of the new cabinet occurred at the end of the meeting. The Finance
Committee allocated funds to Lawrence 3D Club, Muslim Student
Association, Sustainable Lawrence University Garden, Men’s
Ultimate Frisbee, Downer Feminist Council, Composers of Lawrence
University, Ormsby Hall Council and a Homestead Alternative
Spring Break Trip. There were no requests for group recognition or
Vacant Representative Positions in Plantz, Hiett/Ormsby and
Trever will be filled the first week of spring term by special elections.
Applications are due to the LUCC office or by email to the
parliamentarian at by March 17.
New Cabinet:
President: Andrew King
Vice President: Ellie Crean
Parliamentarian: Stephen Nordin
Treasurer: Oren Jakobson
General Secretary: Zara Mathew
Finance Secretary: Breanna Skeets
Public Relations Secretary: William Doreza