Lou Perella is a bit of an unknown quantity around the Lawrentian office. Besides his middle name being “E,” he is a superb romanticizer, culinary expert, sick ultimate player, and all-around handsome gentleman. He is the only Rhode Island resident to grace the campus of Lawrence University in the past four years. Lou is currently involved in numerous activities such as, Class of 2006 president, Ormsby RLA, Lawrentian photo editor, and a member of the Phi Delta Theta fraternity. Lou can be commonly seen working at the Info Desk and whistling “Walking on Sunshine” around campus. He is majoring in economics with a Spanish minor and hopes to attend a fine culinary institution after graduation in order to become a world-renowned chef. Lou is quite possibly the best hugger on the Lawrence campus. He still hopes that a ska band will form at Lawrence before he graduates. If you had to describe Lou E Perella in one word, besides handsome, charming, funny, awesome, or tall, it would have to be “SKA.