At what temperature do you stop wearing shorts?
“I stop wearing shorts when it dips below 93 degrees.” — Patrick Randerson “I’d love to say around 35-40 deegrees Fahrenheit, but in reality I’ve worn them in a lot colder temperatures so anything flies.” — Eliza Peetz “65 degrees Fahrenheit .” — Elyssa Pfluger “It’s not so much a specific temperature but the overall feel. Like, if it starts getting more windy and the sun isn’t out as much, I’ll stop wearing shorts.” — Grace Stahl “I’d say 68 degrees Fahrenheit.” — Kate Stenson “Up to 35 degrees Fahrenheit if I’m not working out. If I get out of a workout, I could do up to 20 degrees. Yes, I’m the girl with the shorts.” — Marifé Entenza-Sierra “I don’t wear shorts that often despite the season, but to answer the question: when my legs get chilly.” — May Li “57 degrees Fahrenheit!.” — Riley Newton “Maybe 10 degrees Celsius because the distance between buildings on campus is short.” — Yui Niizeki Maehara “I will leave the house in shorts (given that I’m wearing a coat) in anything down to about 5 degrees. I’ve done it before. I’ll do it again.” – Hannah Frank, Copy Editor “As a midwestern edgelady, I’m offended to be asked this question. I will never cover my ankles, you temperature-sensitive puritans.” – Miri Villerius, Op-Ed Editor
Not pictured: Shania Johnson, Copy Chief “60 degrees is the lowest for shorts.”
Photos taken by: Jamie Dong and Alana Melvin