If you could be a professor for a day, who would it be? “Professor Segrest.” — Justin Collins“Professor Brigid Vance.” — Nora Briddell“No one, it sounds like a hard job.” — Kiara Didier“Professor Heaton.” — Ray Wetzelmeehan“Professor Wen Lei Gu.” — Kathryn Williams“Professor Brigid Vance.” — Ayla Walther“Professor Ann Ellsworth.” — Jessica Kleebauer“Professor Mark Urness.” — Micheal Murphy“Professor Ann Ellsworth.” — Carter Howe“Probably Rob Neilson… I truly admire his chaotic energy, and love that he’s unapologetically himself!” – Celeste Reyes, Variety Editor“I’d be Julie from the CAS, she’s such a lovely warm person who gets to help so many people!” – Miri Villerius, Op-Ed Editor“I would be Professor Range— Think of all the poetry I would get to read!” – Molly Ruffing, Editor-in-Chief Photos taken by: Alana Melvin