This paper copy of The Lawrentian you are most likely holding right now, isn’t the only place you can find our witty writers and talented photographers. We have a freshly renovated website,, where the paper is published each Friday, often before the paper version even hits campus! Our website is also where you can always find information about hiring, how to submit a letter to the editor and our handbook. A .pdf version of The Lawrentian is published online each Friday as well; the link to this can be found on our website.
For the first time ever we are rolling out a newsletter! It will be sent to your inbox each Friday with section highlights from that week’s edition! You can subscribe to this at If you want to find us during the other days of the week, our social media is the best place. We can be found on Facebook, Instagram @the_lawrentian and twitter @TheLawrentian. And soon we will also be found on Google News!
Thank you for all engaging with the paper each week, and I look forward to seeing some of you online!
— Nora Murphy, Web Manager