How do you protect the environment in your everyday life? “I recycle plastic bags at Lawrence and at home and try to buy refillable products that produce less waste.” — Angela Vanden Elzen “Not making leftover food.” — Christine Chang “I reuse plastic bags.” — Hung Nguyen “I always make sure to finish all of my food and only take what is necessary.” — Kepler Shao “I will reduce the use of single-use plastics.” — Maria Yang “I tend to avoid drinking bottled water; I use my own reusable water bottle.” — Nate Smith “Compost food in the bins on our floors.” — Rachel Joo “I don’t waste food.” — Riko Ogihara “I use a reusable water bottle.” — Valeria Nunez Rose Williams, Copy Editor “I learn more about how to counteract the systemic issues that are largely responsible for environmental damage.” Nathan Wall, News Editor “I don’t drive, and I don’t dump oil into the Amazon.” Evan Ney, Opinions & Editorials Editor “I continue to wear five-year-old pants and never lobby Congress to protect the interests of fossil fuel investors.” Photos by Jamie Dong and Alana Melvin.