What question would you like to see in a photo poll? “Who is your favorite character in The Avengers?” — Andre Madison “What’s your favorite album?” — Gideon Lucard “Which superhero will you be in Marvel?” — Gracie Dollarhide “What’s your favorite smoothie in the cafe?” — Tyler Antoine “Who is the hottest professor at Lawrence?” — Amellalli Herrera Alvarez “What makes the Lawrence difference?” — Luis Benitez “Something I wouldn’t think to ask myself?” — Safiya Grant “What’s your favorite part of wellness?” — Navraj Singh “What’s your favorite food?” — Jasmine Maller Taylor Hughes, Co-Editor-in-Chief “Team Gale or Team Peeta?” Alana Melvin, Photo Editor “If you could be a professor in anything, what would you teach?” Evan Ney, Opinions & Editorial Editor “We should settle it once and for all: what’s really the best section in the paper?” Photos by Jamie Dong and Alana Melvin.