If you were a snack, what would you be? “Breadsticks and cheese dip.” — Caroline Murray “I don’t know, but I like goldfish.” — Eli Hooker-Reese “Big fat M&M cookie.” — Alex Gonzalez “Flavorblasted goldfish.” — Ethan Capp “French Fries.” — Jas McGee “Granola bar.” — Jay McIntyre “Oreo cookies.” — PaNhia Vang “Cool Ranch Doritos’.” — Reese Lavajo “Chocolate rice cakes with Nutella and banana on top.” — Scarlett Albright Rose Williams, Copy Editor “I would be trail mix, because I’m both sweet and salty.” Elizabeth Rienstra, Web Manager “I’d probably be the plate of veggies your mom makes you eat.” Mikayla Henry, Copy Editor “Rainbow goldfish.” Photos by Lee Hendricks-Richman, Jamie Dong and Alana Melvin.