The last choir and orchestra concert, a performance of “Messiah,” was the first ever to be available as a live-video webcast online. In the past, Conservatory concerts were webcast online, but only the audio was available.
This new development is extremely exciting for music aficionados everywhere. We at **The Lawrentian** congratulate all involved in the live-video webcast — especially Web Content and New Media Coordinator Rachel Crowl — for their hard work.
This video webcast was no small feat. It involved a lot of planning and work, and we thoroughly appreciate the efforts of all involved.
The video webcast allowed family members of students, alumni, and many more the opportunity to watch the LSO, Concert Choir, Cantala and Viking Chorale perform George Frideric Handel’s famous “Messiah.” For students who were too busy or otherwise obligated on the Friday of the concert, this video-cast, which is still available online, is a great way to enjoy the performance at their leisure.
Furthermore, archived video casts will serve as a vivid testament to a period in Lawrence’s history, providing alumni the opportunity to revisit fond memories and for future Lawrentians to see and hear those that have come before them.
It’s one thing to listen to a concert, and another thing entirely to watch a concert. The performance is extremely visual as well — watching a section of string players bow in unison, all focused on creating one sound, that’s an amazing thing to see.
Aside from being a convenient and enthralling way to enjoy a live concert, the new video system and others like it might also be used for national and international outreach and collaboration.
Imagine coming to the Chapel to see not only the LSO but a live broadcast of another university orchestra halfway around the world or, if you’re a musician, rehearsing with a conductor or ensemble in another state or country in real time.
The new video webcast and technologies like it offer a wealth of opportunities that we at ***The Lawrentian*** encourage listeners, performers and professors alike to take full advantage of.