(margaret Rhatican)
1. How has the team dynamic been in this roller-coaster ride of a season?
This was a tough, emotional year. We are a very competitive team, we are very driven, and we pushed each other every step of the way, even in the hard matches and tough times. We communicated well as a team, we stuck together, and every single girl contributed to the success we achieved. Our team dynamic was admirable, given the struggles we faced after an incredible beginning. When we stick together, we are unstoppable.
2. What are the most memorable moments from your time playing volleyball at Lawrence?
First, beating Eau Claire in three straight sets. We played to our potential that game, which was such an incredible feeling – as was shocking everyone who heard about how thoroughly we dominated them. Had we played every game with the same execution and attitude, we’d be first in our conference right now. Second, senior bonding at Bjrklunden. There are no words.
3. Do you plan to keep playing volleyball after you graduate?
I’m excited to go back to playing all the other sports I’m crazy about after graduation – volleyball is definitely one of them – specifically sand volleyball – but I’m excited to play basketball and soccer again too, on whatever club team I can find.
4. How did it feel having such a great home-court advantage at Alexander Gym this year?
It was fabulous. Our fans are absolutely amazing, and we love you all so much. Thank you, everyone, for coming out every single game. A special shout-out goes to our boys and girls wearing the pink tees and supporting breast cancer awareness. I hope the fan base keeps growing as our team will be back stronger than ever next fall.
5. What sport are you best at besides volleyball?
There are so many I couldn’t narrow it down, so I took a poll of a group of 100 random people from the LU and Appleton area/hood, and 98 percent said street fighting is what I’m best at. I mean, when you have the street cred, you have the street cred.
(margaret Rhatican)