Volume 88, No. 11 January 24, 1969***From *****The Lawrentian******’s “the more things change, the more they stay the same” files, we look at the build-up to the first LUCC election. Steve Ponto, the first LUCC president, assumed his position upon the creation of LUCC. (He had previously been student senate president.) Perhaps Ponto’s cynicism can comfort us, as we consider this week’s election, which saw less than 400 votes cast. It seems that at Lawrence ******– grandiloquent claims about LUCC power notwithstanding ******– apathy remains timeless.
Oh, and for you trivia buffs out there … Ray won.******
The upcoming LUCC presidential election has not been a prominent topic of discussion on campus. Students will, however, have the opportunity to vote for Ponto’s successor on February 19.
This week, Ponto talked about the importance of the LUCC presidency and the type of person he feels that position requires.
Ponto said, “It is unbelievable how powerful the LUCC presidency is.” He said that in regard to “new emerging University policy,” the position of LUCC president is “the third most important position in the entire University.”
Ponto added that the power enjoyed by this office is a “power which emerges through practice.” In his opinion, the wrong person could ruin this power. Ponto said that his successor must judiciously use “tact and diplomacy” in order to maintain the plateau of power which he now enjoys. In his opinion, the new president must be a man who displays the ability to effectively compromise opposing influences.
Ponto admitted that there has been a general lack of interest in running for the LUCC presidency. He attributed this disinterest to one cause. Ponto feels that there are simply few individuals in this year’s junior class who display the leadership capabilities which are required for the position. Traditionally, the junior class has been looked to for student government leaders.
Sam Ray and Phil York have both indicated that they will run for the office of LUCC president. Phil York is a junior; Sam Ray is a 23-year-old ex-G.I. enrolled as a sophomore. Despite much student support in his favor, James Noble has stated that he will not run for the position. As yet, there are no other known contenders for the office.
Petitions for the office of LUCC president are due on Tuesday, Feb. 4 and petitions for the vice-presidency are due on Feb. 11.