LUCC has re-activated its Committee of Environmental Responsibility following the launch of a campus-wide green initiative this fall. The original Environment Committee was introduced during the 2005-2006 school year but later removed “because it was essentially non-functional.’dead wood,’ so to speak,” said committee member and LUCC President, senior James Duncan-Welke.
Following President Beck’s announcement last spring of plans for an environmentally themed year, Duncan-Welke re-submitted the old legislature to LUCC. The board recommended changes to be incorporated into the final piece, which was passed Monday, Oct. 27, reenacting the Environmental Responsibility Committee to support and perpetuate the green initiative.
According to LUCC bylaws, the Environmental Committee’s duties are “to promote understanding and awareness of environmental responsibility within the Lawrence community and to sponsor educational programs on environmental responsibility.”
The Environmental Committee plans to work in tandem with the committee on the campus green initiative and any other campus organizations interested in promoting environmental awareness. Duncan-Welke plans to make the committee “a central part of the green initiative. It should actually last much longer than the initiative itself.” The committee plans to adopt the campus focus for the 08-09 school year, keep up the current projects and focus on environmental awareness for years to come.
The committee will decide what projects they want to pursue this year, though Duncan-Welke has some inspiring ideas. He suggests an environmental responsibility contest between the residence halls measuring the use of water, heat and electricity. Another idea is to encourage composting with cooperation between SLUG, Downer and the Residence Halls.
He also suggests an even greater recycling program than the one already in place, with receptacles all over the campus grounds in addition to inside all buildings. That means those of you walking around campus on weekends with “open beverages” could recycle the used containers when security pulls up, rather than chucking them down the hill by the river, or in the decorative landscaping.
The committee is currently recruiting members, not to exceed fourteen students and three faculty members. Once established, the committee will elect a chair and a member to report regularly to the LUCC general council. Those interested are encouraged to contact LUCC at to express their interest in joining the committee and to share ideas for the green initiative.
“There are many different ways campus can be educated about the environment, and many ways we can work to minimize our impact,” said Duncan-Welke. Looking forward, the committee is confident that all Lawrentians can work together to create solutions that preserve our campus environment for future