This week’s LUCC meeting addressed several pieces of potential legislation pertaining to smoking on campus.Legislation to create a “smoking halo” around residence hall entrances, which was brought up at a previous meeting, was voted down 8-5 after much discussion. Several council members had problems with the wording of the legislation as well as the 25-foot distance being applied to all the residence halls.
Bill Hanna introduced a related piece of legislation, proposing that the halls be responsible for determining their own policy regarding smoke-free halos. This proposal was sent to a special committee established to specifically address and rewrite the proposal for further consideration.
In another smoking-related action by the council, the idea of creating another smoke-free residence in Plantz Hall was put forth. As this measure would entail a bylaw change, the proposal could not be voted on until a later meeting.
Also on the agenda was a proposal to give the council members access to voice mail and email lists. The proposal was sent back to committee to look at possible technological issues.
The one piece of legislation that the council did pass was a resolution regarding appointed officers. The appointed officers are now to serve at the president and vice president’s discretion. Also, either the president and the vice president or two thirds of the council have the power to dismiss the officers. Finally, the officers need not be on campus all three terms to serve.
The legislation still needs to pass in the PEL before it is officially approved. However, it is expected to pass without difficulty.