Departing from our tradition, The Lawrentian has chosen not to endorse a candidate for LUCC president. Neither Jacques Hacquebord nor Jamie Howard articulated a clear vision or commanding knowledge of specific details requisite to the LUCC presidency. We were disappointed by the vague nature of their statements and answers to student questions.
Lawrence University deserves candidates who can express themselves clearly in a realm beyond the abstract. Candidates who cannot even list a handful of tangible campaign promises will, most likely, have trouble setting an efficient LUCC agenda, let alone carrying it out.
In the vice presidential field, Kass Kuehl stood out for her experience and tenacity as the head of the V-Day organization, and for her understanding of the finance process.
Kuehl’s ideas for educating student groups who approach the Finance Committee, which the vice president chairs, will have an influence beyond LUCC. As a small business owner and organizational head, Kuehl has experienced the budgetary process from the “other side” as well, contributing to a desirable balance between fundamental fairness and a mature understanding of the budgetary crunch facing the university as a whole.
Of all the candidates running for LUCC office, Kuehl has also demonstrated the most confidence, rooted in two years’ experience on the council, with seats on Student Welfare, Student Affairs, and the Public Occasions Committee. She also has experience dealing with Trustees and other constituencies that LUCC officers have to deal with.
Kuehl provided attendees of Tuesday’s Candidate Forum with articulate answers that demonstrated an understanding of the relevant issues, a willingness to organize, and the verbal skills relevant to the position.