Lawrence University commemorates the glory of ancient Greece and Rome with Classics Week May 14-18.Lawrence President Richard Warch officially opens the week-long celebration Monday, May 14, at 11:05 a.m. with a proclamation from the steps of his office, reaffirming Lawrence’s commitment to, and the importance of, the study of the classics. All Classics Week events are free and open to the public.
Monday, May 14—Lawrence seniors Sylvia Zwissler and Jenny Benjamin present “Hercules in Action: Artistic Representations of the Greek Hero,” a slide-illustrated lecture on art works depicting Hercules. Wriston Art Center auditorium, 4:15 p.m.
Tuesday, May 15—”Contextualizing Ancient Coins: The Ottilia Buerger Collection at Lawrence University.” William E. Metcalf, former curator of the American Numismatic Society and one of the country’s foremost experts on ancient coins and medallions discusses Lawrence’s collection of ancient Greek, Roman, and Byzantine coins in a slide-illustrated lecture. Wriston Art Center auditorium, 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday, May 16—”Medieval Palaeography and Renaissance Epigraphy: The Joys and Travails of Reading Sheepskins and Stones.” Lawrence seniors Heather Nabbefeld and David Rees will display and discuss different styles of manuscript writing that characterized different eras and locations. Main Hall, Room 102, 4:15 p.m.
Thursday, May 17—”Splish Splash They Were Taking Baths Long Ago: Roman Baths in England.” Lawrence sophomore Sean Smith offers a slide-illustrated look at four types of Roman baths from the early centuries A.D. Wriston Art Center auditorium, 4:15 p.m.
Friday, May 18—Lawrence senior Amy Haegele presents a dramatic reading in Latin of Dr. Suess’ children’s classic “The Cat in the Hat” (“Cattus Petasatus”) and freshmen Kelly Jones and Julie Beien deliver a reading of Latin riddles (Aenigmata Latina) from the south steps of Main Hall, 4:15 p.m. Rain site: Science Hall atrium.