Since the beginning of this term, several Lawrentian articles and editorials have drawn large responses from the Lawrence community. The responses have been both positive and negative. While The Lawrentian greatly appreciates the feedback, we feel that instead of talking to the individual contributors, the criticism could have a greater impact in the form of a letter to the editor.These letters on the editorials page can be used as powerful tools to make opinions known to the public. The Lawrentian has a growing number of off-campus subscribers, so as well as reaching the campus, the paper reaches parents, alumni, and trustees.
Because we have such a large and diverse readership, we feel the editorials page can be a strong forum for campus, local, and national issues as well as for criticism of the paper. While we do retain the right to edit for content, grammar, foul language, etc., The Lawrentian has not yet turned away a student editorial this year.
The editorials page represents an opportunity for students and other members of the community to let their opinions be widely read. If you feel strongly about an issue, write to us. Whether the criticism is positive or negative, we would like to hear from you. You will find a better outlet in the editorials page than in a conversation with one or two employees of the paper.
As always, the letters should be no more than 350 words and be in to The Lawrentian by 8 p.m. on the Tuesday prior to publication.