Senior Joe Loehnis has been unstoppable on the golf course of late, winning two of his last three tournaments and finishing second in the third. This weekend at the Ripon Invitational he shot a 72 on day one en route to his second win of the year. Ever the connoisseur of the finer things, Loehnis is a student of classical music as well. What’s next for Joe? Perhaps backgammon and brandy on the Veranda? Hometown: Appleton, Wis.
Major: B.A. Music, Environmental Studies minor
Proudest LU Golf moment: “Our team winning the conference golf tournament last year by 2 shots over Knox College.”
Favorite golf course you’ve ever played: “Tough to say what course is my favorite; I’ve played so many. I’ve always said The Woodlands down in Gulf Shores, Ala. Something about the trees, I think. .
Favorite cello concerto: Sergei Prokofiev’s Sinfonia Concertante, Op. 125
Fantasy celebrity golf partner: Meg Ryan
Who would win in a fight between Mike Tyson and a Cheetah?: “Tyson would beat the shit out of a cheetah.