When the incident occurred, only a small number of students were living in Hiett because they were part of a student group or working on campus. Students who were not a part of any organization allowing them early campus access do not want to be charged for their co-residents’ misdemeanors while they were absent.
Usually the cost of damage is so low — sometimes a dollar or less — that it is not worth the university’s time to bill each student. However, since there was damage to Hiett’s costly fire-extinguishing system, the individual cost would be greater and also be a part of student dues to the university.
This will take money away from funds that would otherwise be used to improve campus facilities or activities, such as resources in the library.
In an interview with ***The Lawrentian***, Truesdell lamented that students are only taking an interest in the state of their dormitories because they don’t want to pay a damage fee. Ideally, students would “raise awareness and set up communities” on their own to prevent such crimes as the sprinkler spout vandalism from occurring again.
It is clear that more than one person is responsible for the Hiett vandalism, and the Dean of Students’ office and Hiett residents hope that these persons will step forward. In the meantime, the Dean of Students’ office welcomes students to speak anonymously if they have information about the culprits.
In an e-mail to students who were on campus at the time of the vandalism, Truesdell wrote that this time she would not be charging them for the damage costs, “in order to allow that conversation [among students in the LUCC] to be a campus-wide, productive and nondivisive dialogue.”
Laura Zuege, the Hiett Residence Hall Director, recalled how Hiett residents relayed their concerns to her about the destructive attitude of the perpetrator, clearly unhappy and not amused by the vandalism. “I think it’s disappointing that something like this happened but I’m encouraged that it really hasn’t cast a shadow on the start of the academic year.