After a few years at Lawrence, you are bound to pick up some of the trade secrets to make life run more smoothly. The Lawrentian staff will get you started.Find
A fast way to search for students, faculty and staff is by using the online directory on the Lawrence homepage to find a full name or campus e-mail address. Login to see phone numbers and addresses (click on a searched name).
E-mails tend to build-up quickly, especially from Facebook updates. To have as much space available in you campus inbox, make sure to delete the trash in your “trash can”. Also, there are two (currently) designs for webmail to choose from when you login-Lookout and Legacy.
The extension for the LU switchboard is 7000. If you dial this between 8 am and 5 pm you’ll get a real live person who will connect you to whomever you want. This is even easier than looking someone up in Find. If you dial after hours you can still dial by name. The system will then read the options for people with that name or similar names. You can choose one and it dials for you.
Hall Council
Each residence hall has its own hall council that is responsible for setting certain policies and, most importantly, spending money. Each hall council gets a couple thousand dollars to spend for the year. However, in order for this money–which comes from your tuition, by the way–to do you any good, you need to A) join hall council, which means you get to vote on decisions to buy proposed items or B) go to hall council meetings even if you aren’t on the actual council. You can still propose and debate ideas, you just can’t vote on the final decisions, which still gives you plenty of people.
Need a toothbrush, pen, batteries, shampoo, cough drops? Stop into the Union Station, across from the Info Desk, at the Memorial Union. This great store also has Lawrence clothing, notebooks and folders, and water bottles.
Staples (food)
There is a brand new store just a few blocks downtown called Live Oak Market. They have lots of organic and healthy foods, along with a vast selection of beverages. Jacob’s Meat Market is a small neighborhood grocery store four blocks north of College Avenue on the corner of Lawe and Packard. Walgreen’s is also a mile from campus; a nice walk through the downtown.
Every academic year sees five convocations held in the chapel, starting with the Matriculation Convocation given by President Jill Beck. During these lectures, the entire campus shuts down-the library and food services close. So, go to the convos. Many times speakers are alums, well-known public figures (Salman Rushdie, Ben Stiller), or professionals. Also, there are departmental lectures that are very interesting. Make sure you get to all the convos and other lectures you can make because you will learn much and enjoy the funds Lawrence uses to bring in the presenters.
Appleton Public Library
Despite Lawrentians’ natural drive towards “high-brow” literature, music, and movies, sometimes one would rather recline with the next New York Times bestseller or a John Carpenter film. For that there is the Appleton Public Library, a resource too often overlooked by the average Lawrentian. The APL contains an unbelievable array of movies, music, and books guaranteed to satisfy all interests.