Spring truly arrives today as housing selection lottery numbers are posted outside the Viking Room. We here at ***The Lawrentian*** know you have enough trouble this time of year with those river bugs and allergies, so we hope this guide to housing selection will make life a little easier for you.Friday, April 14…Lottery numbers posted outside Viking Room and on Res Life homepage
Tuesday, April 18…Waseda Program info session; Coffeehouse, 6 p.m.
Formal Group Housing info session; Coffeehouse, 6:30 p.m.
Tuesday, May 2…Formal Group Housing contracts, rosters, and applications due
Monday, May 8…Theme House info session; Coffeehouse, 5:30 p.m.
Tuesday, May 9…Housing info session for freshman; Sage Basement, 6 p.m.
Housing info session for students going off-campus next year; Sage Basement, 6:30 p.m.
Friday, May 12…Theme house contracts, rosters, and applications due
Tuesday, May 16…Suite/Quad and Triple room selection; Riverview, 7 p.m.
Squatting sign-up; Coffeehouse, 8:30 p.m.
Thursday, May 18…Single room selection; Riverview, 9:30 p.m.
Tuesday, May 23…”Meet your future roommate”; Coffeehouse, 6 p.m.
Thursday, May 25…Double room selection; Riverview, 9 p.m.
New this year
Class standing for housing selection will now be assigned by the number of term you have been enrolled at Lawrence as of term II. This is different than the old system, which used academic class standing: the number of credits you have earned. A Senior is someone who has spent at least 7 terms here, a Junior at least 4 terms, a Sophomore less than 4 terms.
The 2nd and 3rd floors of Sage will be co-ed by room, and each floor will have separate bathrooms for the two genders.
Gender-neutral housing is available on the 3rd and 4th floors of Hiett, and at 300 S. Meade St. This means that members of opposite genders can live in the same room together.
Tips for housing selection
Come prepared
Research the rooms you want now, going over floor plans and even visiting the rooms you hope to live in. Have a list of the rooms you want in order of preference, and stick to it. Floor plans for all residence halls and most small houses can be found on the Res Life homepage.
The combination rule
Under the current system, students going off-campus next year choose their rooms last, regardless of their lottery number. However, if you can find another student going off-campus during the terms you will be on-campus, you can use the combination rule. That way when you are off-campus 1st term, your friend will be taking your place here, and when he leaves for Africa 2nd and 3rd terms, you’ll be taking his place in your room. This way, you aren’t penalized, and can choose your room according to your lottery numbers.
Send a proxy
If you can’t be at the proper room selection session at your assigned time, you can send a proxy for you. Make sure you give them the list you made, and explain which rooms are most important to you. Proxy forms can be found on the Res Life homepage.
Stay current
Make sure your accounts are up to date, and that you have signed and returned your housing contract by the time it’s time to pick your room. You wouldn’t want to show up to pick out the sweetest room on campus, only to be turned back because you still owe $2.37 to the university.