If you were present for the introduction of Lawrence President-elect Mark Burstein last Thursday, you were part of the exceedingly warm welcome that the Lawrence community offered Princeton’s Executive Vice President.
At this unique moment in Lawrence’s history, we at The Lawrentian are proud of the community of which this newspaper is a part. Although student memory may only last only a few years, the impact that Burstein’s election as the next president carries a weight that all members of the Lawrence community can appreciate. As explained by the presidential selection committee, Burstein’s vision for higher education and strong background in diversified leadership makes his future arrival an exciting time at Lawrence.
Furthermore, The Lawrentian is proud to report how well-handled and transparent the presidential search proved to be. At every point in the search process, the Lawrence community was appropriately updated, and input was sought from virtually all constituencies. Students, especially, were engaged from the beginning, and the visible use of student representatives, senior Jake Woodford and junior Chiao-Yu Tuan, was well received-as was the impact of the campus tour given to Burstein by junior Pablo Galván.
After his brief introduction and visit to campus, Burstein seems to have proven himself a leader, as the overwhelming response from students was very positive. The Lawrentian Editorial Board sees the choice as one that demonstrates Lawrence’s goals for the future, its priorities for financial and institutional security at present, and its tradition of the liberal arts in the past.
While we recognize that the recent excitement around Burstein may pass in time, we’re optimistic that by arousing and engaging with the student body early, Burstein is preparing to make a very historic mark on our campus.
As always, we welcome a longer dialogue from faculty, staff, and alumni. Please send us your thoughts on Burstein and your vision for Lawrence’s strategic future.