Murray overrules plan for student LUJE soloist

Peter Gillette

Murray overrules plan for student LUJE soloist
(‰Frantic Fred¡ Sturm¡s return undermined by brats)
[that¡s a hella amusing pun, brats is™J]After lengthy negotiations between the DAC and con faculty representatives,
the next Jazz Ensemble concert may feature a student soloist. The
negotiations were intense, but ultimately futile.
Jazz director Fred Sturm, who smelled like bratwurst for some reason, was
very insistent that everyone should get to solo. Jose Encarnacion, his
assistant, was likewise amenable to very much any situation. But the
wind/brass/percussion faculty still had to have their say. Here¡s what each
side was saying:
DAC¡s stipulations:
-Jacob Teichroew should be considered faculty
-Solo must last 32 measures or more
-Students must get equal solo time with faculty
-Steve Rodriguez already graduated
Faculty Stipulations:
-The ensemble must then be staffed by professors
-In the event that ensemble requirements conflict with faculty
responsibilities, non-freshmen will be required to teach lessons and/or
studio class
-Program will not be implemented until full Sturm recruitment plan is in
-Jose must gig with students on the weekends
Sturm plans to spend the summer recruiting studio musicians who never went
to college. Isn¡t this great?!Œ Sturm said in an interview with the
Post-Crescent. They get a full ride, and we will get, eventually, a few hit
albums that actually put us ahead.Œ
The ensemble is shaking up well for third term. Larry Darling, Robert Levy,
John Daniel, and Jeff Stannard form the trumpet section. Nick Keelan, Fred
Sturm, Marty Erickson, and a dude from the Big Band Reunion of Frank¡s Pizza
palace make up the trombones.
Matt Turner will play piano and cello, at once whenever possible. Dane
Richeson will play drums and Vibes, again simultaneously. A different
high-profile bassist will swing through every few weeks, or else John Gibson
will play.
Wherever possible, Jose Encarnacion will overdub himself playing all the sax
parts. But for live occasions, Steve Jordheim has been convinced to swing a
bit, Jacob Teichroew has been offered an adjunct contract, and Fan Lei has
made the switch to tenor sax. That left a huge gap at the bari sax position,
which was filled by Brian Rosenberg. Sure I don¡t play, but why the hell
not?Œ he said.
Negotiations were almost complete, when a recording of Dean Murray
interrupted the meeting. Sure, we¡d all like to have a
**student™jazz™™a™concert..****, but from an economic standpoint,
it just isn¡t feasible. The only reason we even HIRED a new jazz director is
that Fred agreed to be paid in cubic feet of Johnsonville brats and Leinie¡s
Sources close to Sturm say that he considers the recording and insult, and
won¡t take it lying down. I¡ve never lost a prank war. Never forget that,Œ
Sturm said. You are so dead,Œ he added, albeit through that cute smile of

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