Hello and welcome to Specht Pages: The true and supreme voice of Lawrence University. In this issue, we have three big announcements: The first annual Specht Pages Golden Ticket Hunt—note: this is just a name, the tickets are not actually golden—has begun this week; Specht Pages founder and chief executive Kevin Specht will begin holding a weekly autograph session; and this Saturday, Mar. 2 is the first of the Specht Pages-sponsored concerts—sorry for those of you who are reading this after the fact. So sit back, relax and allow all of us at Specht Pages to do the thinking for you.
The Specht Pages Golden Ticket Hunt has begun! Each of the 18 tickets, which happen to be transparent, has a picture of the founder of Specht Pages along with instructions for how to claim your prize. You may remember the golden ticket hunt that was held by Lambda Sigma a few weeks ago? Well, in our event, each ticket will be much harder to find and there will be 18 tickets total. 12 tickets will say, “You win.” One will say, “You lose.” And five will say, “This is an imposter card.” I think you can gather what the first two mean, but by now you’re dying to know what an imposter card is. If you find an imposter card, you will still get a prize, so do not worry. The prize might just be less appealing.
To help move things along a little bit, I will give you a clue for each one:
There is one on the first and second floor of the campus center and two located on the third floor. There is one hidden in a book on the fourth floor of the library, one on the third floor of the library not in a book, two in the Lincoln Reading Room, and one in the library entrance before the security scanners. One is kind of in Harper Hall. One is on the top floor of the Conservatory. One is in a practice room. One is near “the couches.” One is on a tree. One is near Trever Hall and one is near Wriston, both outside. One is in Admissions House. And if you can count as well as I can, you’ll note that I’ve only described the location of 17 of them. That’s because I lost ticket number 18. If you find that one, you’ll get a hug or something.
Our next announcement is that a new and exciting opportunity will now be available for the fans of Specht Pages (that’s you). Chancellor Kevin Specht will be manning a table at which he will autograph your copies of Specht Pages and other approved merchandise. He will man the table for half of an hour a week and there will be no charge for students. He could make his appearance at any time in any location, so keep your eyes peeled!
Our final and most important announcement is that on Saturday, Mar. 2, the one and only Kevin Specht will be performing in his second solo tuba recital at Lawrence University. This will be a shared event with renowned pianist Benjamin Wollin. The program will be a smorgasbord of music, all of which was written over a span of approximately 212 years and includes two pieces that were composed specifically for this event. Other performers you’ll see there include Nick Towns, pianist extraordinaire, and Jack Lussenden, who you may know better as the “master of marimba.” Following the concert will be a reception with yummy food. Not to be missed. This event will begin promptly at 7:00 p.m. in Harper Hall.
All of us Specht Pages hope to see you participating in all these events and would like to thank everyone at the CTL for their continued support of this publication.
“You heard it first on Specht Pages.”