Do you enjoy The Lawrentian? Is Specht Pages the only reason you even pick up The Lawrentian? Hello and welcome...
Do you long for Lawrence to return to its founding ideals? Do you crave for the principles that were upheld...
Are you overloading? Do you hate paying the overload fee? Hello and welcome to Specht Pages, the true and supreme...
Did you just hear something that made you cringe? Do some of the things Lawrentians say make you crazy? Hello...
Are you unsure of what major to choose? Do you wish you had more options? Perhaps fewer? Hello and welcome...
Are you afraid of bugs and hate when they fly into your mouth, nose, ears and eyes? Do you wish...
Are you running on empty? Do you need some encouragement to survive during this final sprint to the finish? Hello,...
Do you remember the recent power outage on campus? Are you prepared for a disaster? Do you have a plan?...
Are you a bit paranoid? Did you know that extra-terrestrials may have invaded our humble, world-class institution? Hello, and welcome...
Are you in love? Are you out of romantic ideas and panicking due to your dating version of writer’s block?...