In August 2014, Porter Robinson released his debut album “Worlds” to widespread acclaim. His spin on Synthpop and EDM raked...
On Friday, April 28, three fantastic artists dropped stellar music projects: Indigo De Souza’s “All of This Will End,” Jessie...
Boygenius is an indie-folk singer-songwriter supergroup comprised of Phoebe Bridgers, Julien Baker and Lucy Dacus. The trio released their first...
“Baduizm” (5/5 *****) In honor of Black History Month, I will be reviewing multiple influential albums by Black artists. “Baduizm,”...
5/5 ***** Singer/songwriter Haley Heynderickx released her debut album, “I Need to Start a Garden,” on Mar. 9, 2018. She...
“Why Does the Earth Give Us People to Love?” 2.5/5 **- Poet and singer-songwriter Kara Jackson released her debut album,...
“Stereo Mind Game” 3/5 *** English indie-folk and shoegaze trio Daughter released their fourth album, “Stereo Mind Game,” on April...
“Ctrl” 5/5 ***** In honor of Black History Month, I will be reviewing multiple influential albums by Black artists. “Ctrl,”...
3/5 *** David W Jacobsen, singer/songwriter and guitarist independently released his album “Imprint” on Nov. 5, 2022. It was primarily...
5/5 ***** Infamous singer/songwriter Joni Mitchell released her eighth album, “Hejira,” on Nov. 22, 1976. Written over the course of...