Assistant to the Director of the Warch Campus Center, Jodie Bonikowske. Photo by Hannah Burgess. This column is devoted to...
Financial Aid Specialist Mary Bell in the Financial Aid office on the first floor of Brokaw Hall. Photo by Hannah...
Campus Life Administrative Assistant Charity Rasmussen in the Campus Life Offices, located on the 4th Floor of the Warch Campus...
Chemistry Lab Supervisor and Assistant Swimming & Diving Coach Daniel Martin with equipment he helps manage. Photo by Larissa Davis...
This column is devoted to highlighting staff members that play a huge role in the everyday experiences of the Lawrence...
This column is devoted to highlighting staff members that play a huge role in the everyday experiences of the Lawrence...
Kate’s Corner Store Employee Laura Donaldson at the register in the corner store. Photo by Larissa Davis. ***This column is...
TRX Instructor Kate Harrell in the Buchanan-Kiewit Wellness Center with the equipment she uses for her class. Photo by Larissa...
Bon Appetit employee Carolyn Swanson standing with her artwork, featured in Andrew Commons on the first floor of the Warch...
Executive Sous Chef of Andrew Commons, Mark Biesak, posing in the Commons near the “Eat at Ed’s” line. Photo by...