Nathan Schlesinger, foil wielder for the Lawrence University (Vikings) Fencing team, is finishing his first season with the team. Most...
Freshman Lizzy Garcia on the Lawrence University Women’s Swimming team has been nothing short of impressive this season. Joining forces...
Emmi Zheng, a freshman for the Lawrence University Swimming team, has been lighting up the scoreboard with her quick times...
By Brady Busha A new addition to the Lawrence University Hockey Team, Nick Felan is a forward for the Vikings....
By Brady Busha Freshman Sierra Polzin, a member of the Women’s Cross Country team, recently finished her first regular season....
George Mavrakis recently finished his first season as a member of the Lawrence University Men’s Basketball team. The team concluded...
Greg Procopio, a freshman goaltender for the Lawrence University Men’s Hockey team, has shown real promise and improvement over the...
By Brady Busha Leah Reeves is a freshman forward for the Lawrence University (Vikings) Women’s Basketball team. She has played...
By Brady Busha Freshman Max Stahl on the Lawrence University Men’s Swim team recently finished his second meet as a...
By Brady Busha Mari Hubanks, a freshman defensive specialist for the Women’s Soccer Team, is nearing the end of her...