”Lisa Frankenstein” 3.5/5 ***- “Lisa Frankenstein” is a 2024 horror comedy directed by Zelda Williams. In 1989, high school student...
“Priscilla” 3.5/5 ***- “Priscilla” is a 2023 biographical drama directed by Sophia Coppola and is about Priscilla Presley’s complex romantic...
“The Zone of Interest” 4/5 **** Content warning: this article includes discussion of the Holocaust and crimes against humanity. “The...
“Past Lives” 3.5/5 ***- “Past Lives,” directed by Celine Song, is a 2023 drama and one of the Best Picture...
“The Hunger Games” 3.5/5 ***- “The Hunger Games” is a 2012 film directed by Gary Ross, adapted from Suzanne Collins’...
On Friday, April 19, Lawrence students performed their annual Major Works in the Lawrence University Chapel. The Major Works is...
“Poor Things” 4/5 **** “Poor Things” is a 2023 film directed by Yorgos Lanthimos and was a nominee for Best...
On Feb. 22, Netflix released its live-action adaptation of “Avatar: the Last Airbender.” Now that there is a remake of...
“Five Nights at Freddy’s” 2/5 ** “Five Nights at Freddy’s,” directed by Emma Tammi, is a 2023 film based on...
“Oppenheimer” 4/5 **** “Oppenheimer” is a 2023 film directed by Christopher Nolan and the other half of the “Barbenheimer” phenomenon...