For many fans of the popular BBC show “Sherlock,” the three-episode seasons are just not enough, despite each episode’s lengthy...
There was a special addition to the Packer-Viking game this Sunday, one that rose above the infamous green and purple...
In her book “Falling Leaves: The Memoir of an Unwanted Chinese Daughter,” Adeline Yen Mah returns to her roots just...
If the doldrums of wintry weather aren’t getting you down and you want a little melancholy movie time to keep...
The Improvisation Group of Lawrence University (IGLU) kicked off the Halloween festivities on Wednesday, Oct. 30 with a unique project...
Seeing as this generation of college students undoubtedly grew up watching re-runs of “Whose Line is it Anyway?” on ABC...
Despite the technical issues during sound check that delayed the start of the performances, the second annual LU Weird festival...
“American Hustle” has been in theaters for a while now and unfortunately lost all ten of its Oscar nominations. However,...
Mental health issues, when discussed in creative works, walk that fine line between comedy and tragedy. “One Flew Over the...
Do you like witty, “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” style romance? Do you miss Brittany Murphy? Do you have a Netflix account?...