The year 2020 was a notable and arguably formative year for pop music, during which time we witnessed a popular...
Grimes, aka Claire Boucher, has been known since her MySpace days for her dark, eclectic, self-produced pop and aesthetics created...
Accomplished musician and Lecturer of Music Nathan Wysock filled Harper Hall with the sounds of classical guitar on Sunday, Feb....
On Wednesday, Jan. 15, the Center for Community Engagement and Social Change sponsored a showing of HBO’s “King in the...
In celebration of Native History Month, the Appleton Public Library hosted the travelling exhibit “Native Stitches and Stories” on the...
On Sunday, Mar. 1, Assistant Professor of Music Horacio Contreras and George and Marjorie Olsen Chandler Professor of Music Catherine...
Milwaukee-based artist Maeve Jackson shared with the Lawrence community several of her short films as well as her personal experiences...
Trumpeter, French Horn player, keyboardist and arranger C.J. Camerieri performed a selection of his original pieces to a full audience...
On Monday, Jan. 13, acclaimed guest cellist Matthew Zalkind brought three works first collected in his debut solo recording to...
On Nov. 3, Professor of Music Karen Leigh-Post preformed a vocal recital in the Lawrence Memorial Chapel to an attentive...