The Arpeggione Duo, consisting of cellist Thomas Schönberg of Sweden and guitarist Chris Kachian of Wisconsin, performed a program titled...
The highlights of the Lawrence Chamber and Symphony Orchestras Concert on Friday, April 22 were performances by sophomore cellist Thomas...
Senior soprano vocalist Marissa Lake’s recital on Sunday, May 8, titled “Between Heaven and Earth,” featured a delightful variety of...
The Lawrence University Wind Ensemble (LUWE), directed by Kimberly-Clark Professor of Music and Director of Bands Andrew Mast, performed their...
If the pace of ten-week terms was already starting to get to you by the end of week two, and...
Junior Ami Hatori began her recital on Saturday, April 16 by announcing the piece she would be playing: Piano Sonata...
Senior Sam Green’s composition recital in the Memorial Chapel on Sunday, May 1, began without any performers on stage. Green...
As the lights dimmed for senior Sarah Smith’s cello recital on Sunday, May 15, she emerged onto the stage of...
Picture this as the start to your first concert experience at Lawrence: a professor takes the stage, removes his shoes,...
Guest performer Gregory Lee joined Lawrence’s George and Marjorie Olsen Chandler Professor of Music Catherine Kautsky, pianist, and Associate Professor...