“Rocky Horror Picture Show” was a massive success this year, with all three shows filling the cinema to capacity. The...
On Saturday, February 19, the band Why Not performed with opener the Woebegones. The performance was incredibly well-attended, with enthusiastic...
When deciding what album to review for this week, I couldn’t help but land upon another Fiona Apple album. This...
Mitski fans have been impatiently awaiting her latest album, Laurel Hell, released on February 4. After announcing that she was...
For Lydia Hellevik, a junior in the Bachelor of Musical Arts program for Jazz and Contemporary Improvisation, writing songs is...
As a diehard Fiona Apple fan, I was incredibly excited when she released her latest album, Fetch the Bolt Cutters,...
Tyler Nanstad performed his senior recital on Saturday, January 29, joined by fellow fourth-years Alison Gauvreau and Melanie Shefchik, as...
Artist Valaria Tatera spoke at the Wriston Art Galleries last Friday afternoon about her work for a captivated audience. Tatera...
Junior Juan Hernandez performed his junior recital on Apr. 24 in the Lawrence Memorial Chapel. Photo by Alana Melvin. Juan...
Indie artist Mitski’s third album, Bury Me at Makeout Creek, is my favorite Mitski album because of its sharp lyrics...