The New Music at Lawrence series kicked off the term with a series of events by clarinetist Michael Maccaferri, a...
A continuation of “MNSTR”. 100 Years Later… Andrew has witnessed too many lifetimes, but this by far was his favorite...
Last weekend, Sept. 23 and 24, Improvisational LU, a two-day music festival fo-cusing on improvised music and deep listening was...
May this university never doubt the infinite range of music an orchestra can perform. To the layman, the word “orchestra”...
The Kane Mathis Duo performs in Harper Hall. Photo by Angelica Hurtado There is nothing quite like starting off Midterm...
Sofar Sounds is a worldwide organization that builds concerts upon community, mystery and the idea that music is of upmost...
Wisconsin-based Volcano Choir took to the stages of Madison and Milwaukee this weekend, presenting their newest album, “Repave.” A band...
B. Lilly performs during LU Live. Photo by Taylor Blackson On Friday, Sept. 15, five bands competed for a cash...
After an incredibly moving, inspiring and dense weekend of listening to live improvised music, I have to boil it all...
Students perform as part of Andrew Cole’s composition recital. Photo by Taylor Blackson Tucked away in the Esch-Hurvis Room...