Saturday, Feb. 27, marked Black Student Union’s (BSU) second annual Cultural Expressions show. The event aimed to showcase the talent...
Lawrence University’s Class of 2020 will be the first incoming class to have the option of gender-neutral housing, as the...
May 11 marked the beginning of Lawrence’s first Israeli Apartheid Week, led by Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP). SJP...
By Ruby Dickson On Memorial Day weekend, the eighth annual LU-aroo filled the Lawrence campus with live music. The two-day...
By Hannah Kinzer As Lawrentians stop by Rik’s Café in the Warch Campus Center for a warm beverage during these...
The 81st annual Lawrence Winter Carnival festivities ran from Wednesday, Feb. 3 to Saturday, Feb. 6. As part of the...
By Ruby Dickson Greenfire, a student organization devoted to promoting environmentally sustainable life choices, hosted the annual Earth Day festival...
By Nicole Mitchell Thirteen performers strutted across a stage in the Warch Campus Center’s Esch Hurvis Room on Sunday, May...
By Hannah Kinzer On Friday, April 17, NeuroLawrence sponsored a mind and body health event at the Gilboy fire ring,...
Art in the Public Realm, the studio art topics course offered this term, focuses on educating students on how to...