Junior Bernard Lilly, junior Malik Graham, freshman De Andre King, freshman Brandon Polanco and junior Alonzo Jackson serenade the audience...
“The Solar-Powered Nips (#thehardeningofthenip)” struggles to find the answer to the super garuda in Trivia’s final hour. Photo by Luke...
Since April and through the beginning of December 2016, thousands of indigenous people protested in North Dakota against the access...
Sophomore Daniel Vaca fundraises for Ecuador earthquake relief last spring. Recently, Vaca learned of the exact impact his efforts had....
Diversity Dinners began to raise awareness around relevant issues on campus. Previously, the Diversity Center would reach out to certain...
Senior Brenna Ori and junior Eryn Blagg educate Lawrentians on consent during lunch. Photo by Emily Midyette This week...
Junior Cheyenne Beckelman, sophomore Erica Craddock and freshman Max Muter pose with students of Sunrise School in Kimberly after the...
Sunday, Oct. 16, marked Lawrence International’s (LI) annual Ethnic Dinner. LI invited Lawrence students, faculty, staff and friendship families to...
This term, Bon Appétit changed their dinner closing time from 8 p.m. to 7:45 p.m. Greg Griffin, director of the...
Saturday, Feb. 27, marked Black Student Union’s (BSU) second annual Cultural Expressions show. The event aimed to showcase the talent...