“Inside Out 2” (2024)4.5/5 ****-Released June 14, 2024 and directed by Kelsey Mann, “Inside Out 2” is an animated coming-of-...
“Love Lies Bleeding” (2024) 3/5 *** “Love Lies Bleeding” (2024), directed by Rose Glass, is a thriller/ crime indie film...
The month of October is right around the corner, and what better way to go through the month than by...
“The Hunchback of Notre Dame” 4/5 **** “The Hunchback of Notre Dame,” directed by Gary Trousdale and Kirk Wise, is...
“Lilo and Stitch,” directed by Chris Sanders and Dean DeBlois, is a 2002 Disney animated film about sisters Lilo (Daveigh...
“The Boy and the Heron” is a 2023 Japanese animated film directed by the one and only Hayao Miyazaki. This...
“Nimona” (2023) 3.5/5 ***- “Nimona” (2023), directed by Nick Bruno and Troy Quane, is an animated film based on the...
“Barbie” (2023) 4/5 **** “Barbie” (2023), directed by Greta Gerwig, was finally released this summer alongside its unofficial second half,...
“The Tale of Princess Kaguya” 5/5 ***** “The Tale of Princess Kaguya,” directed by Isao Takahata, is a 2013 anime...
“Wolfwalkers” 4.5/5 ****- “Wolfwalkers,” directed by Tomm Moore and Ross Stewart, is a 2020 animated film produced by Irish animation...