3/5 ***“Beetlejuice Beetlejuice” (2024) is the hotly anticipated sequel to Tim Burton’s 1988 horror-comedy film “Beetlejuice.” The film brings back...
On the evening of Friday, Nov. 8, the Wriston Art Galleries held a celebration for the third edition of the...
Back in Issue 1 of The Lawrentian this year, Annabella Dlugi wrote an article on Patricia Smith’s poem “34.” (If...
Last week, the German Department held a screening of the 1922 film “Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror” in celebration of...
On Wednesday, Oct. 23, Frank C. Shattuck Professor of Piano, Michael Mizrahi, performed a faculty recital in the Lawrence Memorial...
On Saturday, Nov. 9, the Lawrence University Jazz Band, the Lawrence University Jazz Ensemble (LUJE) and the Jazz and Gender...
4/5 ****On Halloween, Lawrence University’s Black Student Union (BSU) hosted a movie night in the Quad where there was a...
For those less familiar with the musical side of College Ave., I invite you to meet the Lawrence University Department...
On Thursday, Oct. 24, there was the monthly Art@Noon(ish) talk at the Wriston Art Galleries. The talk began at 12:15...
3.5/5 ***-(This review contains spoilers) “Cuckoo” is a 2024 horror film directed by Tilman Singer and is a co-production between...