Lawrence sports a phenomenal trio of recognized sororities. Beta Psi Nu presents an interesting opportunity for a fourth sorority to be recognized on campus and offer the Lawrence community new and exciting opportunities.
“I feel like we’re all one big group, but Beta Psi Nu is left out. All of us should be supporting each other,” commented recruitment counselor Claire Edwards when asked about the recognition of Beta Psi Nu.
While Beta Psi Nu’s current struggle for recognition wages on, the current members of the three recognized sororities are not remaining neutral. When asked about the recognition and involvement of Beta Psi Nu on campus, many sorority members reacted quite positively to the idea of the new emerging sorority. Unfortunately, many members seemed largely uninformed about the new sorority’s struggle.
“I don’t know too much about the situation,” admitted Morgan O’Leary, Vice President of programming for Panhellenic council and current Delta Gamma member, “but I also think DG wouldn’t have a problem inviting them to mixers or working on events with Beta Psi Nu. We have events with other fraternities who are not in the Panhel/IFC realm.”
O’Leary cited specifically events with popular music fraternity Sinfonia. While many are unaware of Beta Psi Nu’s presence, recognized sorority members seem to support Beta Psi Nu in any and all of their endeavors to receive recognition.
“I think if we give Lambda Sigma funding, we should give Beta Psi Nu funding,” said Bonnie Arbuckle, Vice President of organization and philanthropy chair of Kappa Kappa Gamma.
Arbuckle had concerns of her own, too. She said, “It’s hard because we try to diversify the Panhellenic sororities already recognized on campus, but Beta Psi Nu is more attractive to minority women. And their recruitment is so much earlier than ours.”
With Beta Psi Nu not being recognized on campus and not allowed to participate in formal rush, many potential sorority girls may not end up with the right fit.
There seems to be hope, though. Beta Psi Nu’s presence on campus alone is impacting the community.
As O’Leary put it, “It’s important for all different people to feel connected at Lawrence and have their own niche.”