Happy Holidays

Winter break and Christmas time is a magical time of the year to spread joy, love, and reflect on the past twelve months. 

Most people north of the equator celebrate with snow angels, hot chocolate, and an open fire. Keeping warm with blankets that feel like clouds and the most comforting freshly baked homemade cookies straight out of the oven. South of the equator, however, things will look a little different! Replace the frigid and gray snow with warm, soft, soothing sand. Instead of sipping rich, dark hot chocolate to radiate heat, think of thirst quenching, refreshing, ice-cold piña coladas to beat the sun! The calming crackle of the open fire is replaced with the crash of the mighty open ocean. They could both put you into the deepest sleep. One could very easily get used to life in the tropics, with an endless summer and piercing blue water as far as the eye can see. You never want it to end!  

All that being said, the holidays are all about spending time with loved ones and enjoying a much deserved break, no matter where in the world you are. Everyone will eat more, spend more, and hopefully sleep more this time of year! It’s a time to let go of some inhibitions and be proud of everything that you achieved. We can take this time to forward to what may come, and release those past troubles we may be holding on to. This is hopefully an opportunity to wash away some negative memories, and start anew. Along with that also comes a sense of wanting to improve oneself, and perhaps make some changes as the new year begins. Where do you choose to hit the reset button?