Untying the Knots

It had felt as though many little knots formed in my brain this past week, and I wasn’t able to untie them for a very long time. Many aspects of life change during the spring. There are simple things, like the weather or living arrangement. However, there are also much bigger things that get decided. We’re thinking about selecting the right courses that will help pull us closer to completing a major, or applying for the right on-campus jobs to build a resume, all to set you up on the right path for success when your time at school is over. All of these changes and big decisions were forming knots in my brain that I was struggling to untie. Over time, I realized that there are aspects of life which will always change. The seasons will continue to cycle, I will move from one apartment to another, and I may even change jobs multiple times. 

Coming to this conclusion gave me a great peace of mind. Instead of worrying about the many imminent changes that are going to occur in my future, I walked outside. I heard the birds sing. I felt the sun on my face. I took in the aroma of new pinecones and flowers that are growing everywhere. I let go of the anxieties I had and the pressure of trying to prepare or plan my whole future in a week. I accepted these changes and felt optimistic instead of nervous about what life will look like in the fall. I remained present and tried to flow with the tides of change that hit me instead of fight them. This is how the knots in my mind slowly came undone and settled into a neat bow that just rests.