Literature’s Treasure

Taking English literature classes has re-ignited my love for books and reading. I used to always be a big fan of Geronimo Stilton and other children’s fantasy books when I was about 8 or 9 years old, but I somehow stopped reading anything for a very long time. I really regret this, because I’m realizing how much knowledge one absorbs from just reading! There are so many amazing novels out there in the world about every topic under the sun. It is such a wonderful way to get inspired and feel creative, as well as get educated. Diving into a good book not only gives us an escape from everyday life, but we learn so much as we do it. I’m currently reading Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre, and my goodness that little girl has it tough. She is an orphan, and if that isn’t already hard enough, she grows up in a cinderella-like household with an evil stepmother and step-cousins. 

When she is old enough to leave the house and go to school, she feels extremely unwelcome, even bullied at times. Thankfully, she sees some light and positivity when her teacher, Ms. Temple, shows her kindness and love. She also eventually makes a good friend who gives her the company and support she needs. The book then follows Jane into her adult life and takes us on her adventures as a single woman working as a Governess in England. To shorten a long story, reading books again like Jane Eyre is teaching me many lessons. I am learning about life in Victorian England, its political history, and the social culture in that era. I am also learning deeper life lessons, like how we all have the ability to problem-solve in complicated situations with the right mindset, and that it is important to know nothing lasts forever – both good and bad. 

Go ahead and get that book you’ve been wanting to read because it will be worth it!