Rays of Sunshine

Have you ever met or heard of someone who was described as a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day? I certainly have, and these are people who have positivity, compassion and kindness that can overcome even the worst of days. I aspire to be like that, but there are many times that cloudy weather or homesickness has gotten the better of me. It is important to not ignore these feelings, even when they are making you miserable, because the best way out of them is through. This might look different for everyone! Some people might work through them by talking, and others might work through them by creating. There are so many ways to express ourselves and release our negativities in healthy ways, rather than continuously pushing them down. If we try to ignore them, they will keep coming back. Rely on your rays of sunshine to help you, because they are the people who will never let you feel sad. They are the first people to know when something is on your mind, no matter how hard you try to hide it. My rays of sunshine have taught me that, and I always think of them when I don’t feel like myself. We all need these people in our lives, and I hope you surround yourself with them too.