Why must I prove the cracks that I once had to have you believe I am unbroken? Why do you only approve cracks painted and glued with gold that now shimmer in the sun? Why must my cracks be welded sanded and polished away instead of being jagged? Why do the cracks need be dulled so you may touch unasked, unwanted and yet remain unhurt? Why are these cracks expected to be scars instead of wounds still clotting still hemorrhaging? Why can't my cracks be what they are? Shattered pottery? Sawtooth metal? Sore wounds? You've created a world that accepts cracks that are beautiful that are strong that are healed meaning that any of us who are outside those parameters are too broken for your "welcoming" society I hope you learn that by turning us away you're turning away the future which will not remember you because someday you'll break, you'll crash, you'll beg, and the moment you don't fit your own rules you'll be out with us too And for all of your bluster you'll fall short and once you're alone our dripping gashes, ragged edges, and sharp fragments will be what is enshrined Because I am concrete filling in with lime staying strong and surviving the tests of time